How to add mods to fallout 4 pc
How to add mods to fallout 4 pc

how to add mods to fallout 4 pc

is a great place to find Minecraft mods you might not see elsewhere.

how to add mods to fallout 4 pc

CurseForge hosts mods and addons for MMOs like World of Warcraft. The three sites listed above should provide you with mods for just about every game you're looking for, but there are still other places to look for mods for specific games. It's an outstanding and reliable resource of the best mods ever made. If you want to really get into modding your games, get familiar with Nexus Mods. The site also publishes mod spotlight features created by the staff, and even has a rewards system for modders that can earn them a bit of money for their hard work (paid by the site, not by the users). Nexus Mods has a massive and highly enthusiastic community-there are over 15 million members who have collectively downloaded nearly 3 billion files. Once installed, it'll even detect which games you own that it supports, making it easy to get started with modding them.

how to add mods to fallout 4 pc how to add mods to fallout 4 pc

Nexus Mods has its own mod manager called Vortex, which helps you manage the mods you download, makes installation much easier, and lets you know when there are new versions available for updating. You need to create a free account to download mods, but if you're into modding it's absolutely worth it. You'll also find lots of mods for series like The Witcher, Mount & Blade, Mass Effect, XCOM, and many others. The Nexus Mods site hosts both simple and complex mods for over 600 games, probably most notably for Bethesda RPGs Skyrim, Oblivion, and the Fallout series. The simplicity of the Steam Workshop is great, but when mods are bigger and more complex they may need more than a single click installation.

How to add mods to fallout 4 pc